วันศุกร์ที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Top 5 Reasons for Doing a Bungy Jump

Adrenaline rush has reached its maximum as the sport of bungy jumping is fast gaining its popularity in the extreme sports arena. It is the most convenient and accessible extreme adventure sport on the market today. Ever wondered how it feels to have absolutely no control and just to let your hair down and enjoy a plummet of over 100 feet? Have you ever dreamed of an adrenaline rush so intense that it will keep you buzzed for weeks? Then bungy jumping is the right activity for you. Given the most scenic locations and horizons, not to mention the amazing experience, here's why you should take the plunge and marvel at freeing yourself through bungy jumping.

  1. It is an ultimate experience. You can be a pro or a first timer in bungy jumping, but let me tell you that the thrilling experience is just about the same. The experience is the same; pure adrenalin rush. The perfect experience to let your hair down and literally hang loose.
  2. It's safe. Bungy jumping is safe given the right location for it. A trained crew of professionals will assist you with just about everything you need prior, during and after the jump.
  3. It's the scariest but most rewarding thing you can ever do. It gives you the sense of achievement simply by overcoming your fears. Be it fear of heights or just plain anxiety about free falling down more than 10 feet, this activity is sure to expose all your apprehensions on this exciting feat. Don't you think it's time you broke the barrier of fear?
  4. It's a sport to be enjoyed with friends. Share the adrenalin rush as bungy jumping can accommodate tandem jumps. Go and let loose altogether in a way that only bungy jumping can show you. Definitely a crowd pleaser, it will keep you and your friends buzzed for weeks!
  5. Once you have done your first jump, the fun does not end there. Satisfy more adrenalin cravings and try the other different kinds of jumping. You have already broken your comfort zone barrier, then why stop? Enjoy as much as you can and soak it all in.
Whatever reason you pick for going taking part in this activity, it is one experience you have to do and certainly won't regret.
It will go down as one of those adventures you will be telling stories about to your kids and grandkids. So go on, take that leap of faith, break all fear barriers, and go Bungy Jumping!
Hi I'm Brett Hughes. Bungy jumping is a passion of mine, and I spend every spare minute anticipating my next free fall and bounce! If you're a bit of an adrenalin junkie, and thought its something you might like to try, I'd definitely recommend going for a bungy jump...you won't regret it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5098913